GOOBER and mates
The 2 new foster chicks, Pippin and Merry.
Well, I didn't mention in my last post that since I have the 3 remaining fertile eggs PLUS GOOBER in the incubator - that MEREDITH had no more eggs to sit on...! So, I ran out earlier today and bought TWO 3 day old chicks from the local feedstore. Truvey suggested I put them with Meredith so they could bond. THIS HAS WORKED! She is already
Tonight, I will put MEREDITH and her 2 babies in the hutch - which is safe from other hens. I hope she can hone her maternal skills... and these chicks are too fesity and strong to be crushed! At the same time I will give GOOBER another day in the incubator to get stronger and then I will put her under MEREDITH'S wing tomorrow night. The 3 eggs in the incubator should hatch in the next couple days so hopefully by Sunday night (if all goes well) MEREDITH will have 6 chicks in the hutch: 4 from my coop and 2 foster kids....more Sunday night.
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