Well, this evening
TRUVEY my best chicken buddy and wonderful comrade showed me how to "EGG CANDLE". Its a way to see if Meredith's eggs are truly fertile and have potential for new life.
This is what you need & what you do:
1. Clip on lamp with 60 w bulb.
2. Soup can, drained.
3. Can opener :) scissors & cardboard.
4. Drill or cut a hole in the other end of the can with a very sharp instrument & be careful.
5. Cut a hole in the middle of a cardboard circle and set on the top of can.
Voila, an egg candler.
I took a few eggs from under Meredith (who got extremely cranky and rightfully so) and we turned off the lights in the room. Then we carefully held the eggs over the stream of light. We really could not detect much "action" in 3 of the eggs, maybe because they were only laid 4 or so days ago. (Or maybe my 2 roosters hadn't been busy enough :)
However inside one brown egg, we could see a long thin vein! Life! So now I know I have at least one little chick on the way.
We will "egg candle" again in a week or so. Maybe by next week, more chicks will be evident, but I will be glad to have ONE!
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