Monday, March 10, 2008

chicken behavior

THESE ARE NOT ROOSTERS, and this is not a cock fight. I have had chickens for 5 years. Yesterday I witnessed and awful fight. My hens have never fought like this before. You will see two hens ganging up on a brown hen. The brown hen has always been dominant and the 2 others LOW in the chicken hierachy.

Well, I am a believer in Darwins theory but allowed the situation to go only so far. At 8 pm I separated the brown chicken and both her eyes had been swollen shut. I figured she had been blinded by the 2 other hens......and worried about her life, and decided to call Truvey, my avian expert friend. He advised me to hand feed the chicken and keep her in box.... but I did not follow his advice. Instead, I put her in a barrel of hay for the night, seeing that it was warm out. In the morning I checked on her and she was JUST FINE! Today, all is well in the chicken house and its as though the fight never occured.


Blogger Phil said...

Wow, a "Cat Fight" with the hens. I had $50 riding on the brown one, I'm glad she was OK.
It was nice to hear your voice Nina after very many years....

4:52 AM  
Blogger Phil said...

PS: I'm surprised the Frank Purdue didn't already have this blog name locked up....

4:53 AM  
Blogger Monsoon said...

Thanks for your comment!

Poor brown hen! I think hens are really cool, and kinda cute too. Plus I like their clucking. It must be fun to have your own, and to know where your eggs come from! My dad is from a farm, and they had hens when I was younger, or until grandma died...

I LOVE your voice Nina. Dark and sexy, if I might say so. I like dark voices on women the best. :-)

What a great blog this was. Must visit more often, and not just your art by Nina one...


1:45 AM  

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